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Health Department Provides COVID-19 Safety Tips for Halloween

With Halloween approaching, the Allen County Department of Health is recommending the community use extra precautions during their holiday celebrations to prevent an increase in COVID-19 spread.

“We can’t expect to carry on with all traditions as usual in the midst of a global pandemic,” said Dr. Matthew Sutter, Allen County health commissioner. “But by getting creative and using tools we know work like properly wearing face coverings, maintaining social distance and frequent hand hygiene, kids and adults alike can still have a safer and happy Halloween.”

The Department has compiled the following list of recommendations for the Halloween season:

Halloween Safety for Everyone

  • Stay home if you are sick.
  • Use caution when deciding to participate in trick-or-treating or other Halloween events that put you in close contact with people outside your household.
  • Wear a face covering over the nose and mouth completely at all times and stay 6 feet away from people outside your household whether trick-or-treating, passing out treats or attending attractions or events. Face coverings should never be placed on children younger than 2 or anyone who cannot easily remove them. Halloween masks are not a substitute for a face covering and should not be worn over face coverings.
  • Do not hold large in-person Halloween parties. If holding smaller parties, limit attendance to 10 or fewer people and hold the event in an outdoor area where social distancing is possible. Avoid activities that foster the spread of infection, like bobbing for apples.


  • Stay home if you or your children are sick.
  • Contact your doctor before allowing participation in Halloween activities if your child is at greater risk of complications from COVID-19.
  • Wear a face covering over the nose and mouth completely.
  • Limit the number of houses visited and have children stay as far from treat-givers as possible. Consider collecting treats for small children who cannot wear a mask.
  • Carry hand sanitizer and use it often, especially after coming into contact with frequently touched surfaces and before eating candy.
  • Allow children to eat only factory-wrapped treats. Avoid homemade treats made by strangers.
  • Don’t allow children to eat candy while trick-or-treating or until sanitizing hands.
  • Wipe candy wrappers with sanitizing wipes when you arrive home. (NOTE: Never wipe unpackaged food with wipes.)

Giving Treats

  • Do not hand out treats if you are sick.
  • Wear a face covering over the nose and mouth completely.
  • Distribute candy from your driveway or yard to allow 6 feet distance. Consider taping X spots 6 feet apart along your driveway or sidewalk to help children safely distance.
  • Consider setting up a hand-sanitizing station for trick-or-treaters.
  • Refrain from having children select their own treats from a common bowl or container.
  • Use other creative ways to distribute treats, such as using a candy slide made of PVC pipe or hanging treats individually from a wall or fence for children to take.
  • Consider holding a drive-thru or drive-in trick-or-treat event instead, with children in costume and face coverings staying in cars and collecting treats from individuals spaced at least 6 feet apart.

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