Genealogy Requests
Please note: the Department of Health does not have marriage and/or divorce records. These records are recorded and kept in the office of the Allen County Clerk, Allen County Courthouse, Fort Wayne, IN 46802. The phone number is 260.449.7890. Please contact that office for information on their fees and procedures for such records.

Allen County’s birth records begin in 1882 for persons born inside the Fort Wayne city limits, and in 1887 for persons born outside the city limits. Death records begin in 1871 for persons who died inside the city limits and in 1907 for persons who died outside the city limits.
The Department of Health’s Vital Records Office processes genealogy records requests on a first come-first serve basis and attempt to conduct searches and provide records within 7-10 days of the request. In order for us to search for records, you must provide an accurate date of birth or death.
If you are looking for genealogical records, download our Genealogy Request Policy. It outlines the fees and procedures used by this office.
If you have any additional questions, please contact our Vital Records office at 260.449.7147.
Please print and complete these forms to obtain a birth or death certificate for genealogical purposes:
There is a search fee associated with genealogical requests. The non-refundable search fee must be paid prior to the commencement of the search. Search fees are as follows:
- $25 for 1-5 name searches;
- $35 for 6-10 name searches; and
- $50 for more than 10 name searches.
When the search has been completed, you will be notified of the records we were able to locate. If you are in need of actual certified copies of the records, a birth certificate is $20 and a death certificate is $20, payable by cash or money order. These are issued in accordance with Indiana law.
If you wish to have only a “Genealogy Non-Certified Birth/Death Record” the fee will be $3 for each non-certified record. The fee for copies of records is due after the search and notification has been completed.
Additional Resources
For your convenience, many of these records can be found at the Allen County Public Library (The library has microfiche of actual birth records from 1882 to 1920 and death records from 1871 to 1932 and this includes events that occurred both inside the city limits of Fort Wayne and within Allen County).