The Health Inspector app provides access to inspection results by the Allen County Department of Health from the past three years for the following types of licensed facilities: retail food establishments, lodging establishments, tattoo & body piercing establishments, public swimming pools & spas and railroad camp cars. Retail food establishments include restaurants, bars, school cafeterias, bakeries, grocery stores, convenience stores, retail stores that sell pre-packaged food, and mobile food vendors.
Inspections are done by trained Department of Health staff based on standards established by state laws and local ordinances. Retail food, tattoo and swimming pool facilities are inspected approximately two times per year. Lodging facilities are inspected at least once per year.
Inspectors often find minor violations during their visits, most of which are unannounced. Most facility owners or managers correct these violations on the spot. But if necessary, a follow-up inspection is conducted to ensure a problem has been corrected or has not resurfaced. Only in cases of imminent threat to public health – such as the presence of raw sewage, lack of hot water or an extreme pest infestation – will a facility be ordered closed until the problem is fixed. The information published describes conditions found only at the time of the inspection and is not intended to provide a historical picture of the establishment.
For more information or for inspections from prior years call 260.449.7561.

Check inspection records for food establishments, tattoo businesses, pools, hotels and motels and more.